Hi everyone,
I would love to introduce You my very first pattern – Klasyk Shawl.
Simplicity is the keynote off all true elegance.
– Coco Chanel
This pattern is very simple, so even a beginners can easily handle it … There is a chart, there is a tutorial, I will be happy to answer any questions.
My imagination, Your creation
I often say – There is no ugly yarn, just a wrong pattern was chosen …
With each skein you can create something unique, beautiful and individual. Everyone will see it in a different vision, from a different perspective, for a different purpose … or vice versa
As they say: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

I can say that the Klasyk Shawl is now one year old … Because it’s been so long since I decided to make it public and start sharing this and other ideas with you It caught on very nicely. Many nice comments, likes, subscriptions to YouTube … for which I thank you with all my heart. I have received many inquiries from you about the Scarf versions … And I will tell you … that soon the three of them will be released, which I hope will also meet your approval and you will also get it to your liking …