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Knitting pattern Brioche Set


Hi everyone,
I am very happy to say that - Brioche Set -  which was inspired by Fluffy Brioche Hat pattern from Purl Soho, is now available for FREE on our Facebook group 
"Made with Yarn Shop by Stay Alive".

The SET including the pattern for Shawl, mittens, and hat/headband.

This is a continental method of knitting (or East European). If it is necessary, I can do for you tutorial to show you step by step how to do it.
It is the perfect base for all of you, who are starting adventures with brioche knitting.

It is simple pattern just two repeatable rows but you will need to be focus when creating Your Shawl.

My imagination, Your creation

Do not be scared of something which you do not know. This pattern is more simple then you thing.

IMPORTANT!!! You can make many sizes of shawl, pattern is repeatable.

You can also use yarn of you choice to create your very individual work.

Vlog about this Set here:

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