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Know Me Better - Monika Jóźwik

Know Me Better Turmalin Shawl Pattern


When I start my small business, I created this collection as a brand collection for my shop 🥰 and I am still very proud of it. In this conversation I will introduce You another amazing person. I have this opportunity to work with her about in my patterns test group 😊. We will present you combination of one of cake from Green collection with one of my pattern also. I hope you will love this combination...

What were the beginnings like for you? When did crocheting turn into a passion?

@monikajozwik :
My mother crocheted when I was little, but for me it was black magic. I liked knitting. Then I ditched the knitting too. In 2019, I liked crocheted baskets and decided to make one. This is how I learned to crochet from a YouTube video. Then there was a tablecloth of elements. Then the first scarves. That how I began my crochet adventure...

What do you like to crochet the most?

Scarves/Shawls. First of all, I like learning about new patterns, and scarves/shawls give me this opportunity without stress that it is too small or too big 🙂. You just sit down and crochet, which is how I like it. Last year it turned out that I also like to make blankets. But my dream is clothes (blouses, sweaters). Unfortunately, I have little patience for this. I don't like making samples, matching. Nevertheless, I have one sweater on my account that I am proud of 😃. I also hope that this year I will be able to do something for myself.


Do you have any favorite designers?

@monikajozwik :
Yes, I have. Some designers are closer to me than others. I even have my Top 3 list. I will only reveal that No.1 is MotaNina Crochet. The designs of this designer suit me very well, because they are openwork, but not too much and not very repetitive. I also have sentiment for your patterns, because it was you who started my adventure with testing, for which I thank you very much....

What could you tell us about your favorite colors?

@monikajozwik :
Hmmm, my favorite is beige. But I also like greys, blues and greens. Fortunately, I do not limit myself to these colors in my works, and I can even surprise myself with the choice of colors. I also have colors that I avoid: black, white and orange, although this one comes up sometimes...

And when it comes to yarns, do you have a favorite type or are you experimenting?

@monikajozwik :
I am still growing up in this field. For a very long time I crocheted exclusively cotton/acrylic. After the test of your 100% Merino, I'm convinced to this yarn. Recently I was reworking a skein with tweed thread. Very pleasant. It is currently my favorite shawl. I am already planning more unobvious connections...

You are also a fan of flowers and pets. Will you tell us about it?

@monikajozwik :
Here I must admit that flowers are my mother's passion, I only photograph them, but with great pleasure. As for pets, we have Marcel the cat. This is my first pet (better late than never 😉), but I loved him with boundless love. I also have another passion that I betrayed a bit for crochet - books ❤️. I have always read and for most of my life it was my greatest hobby (I could read on my way to work, after all, I knew the way by heart 😀)...

What would you like to say to those who are just starting their adventure?

@monikajozwik :
If you really want something, you have to try. I wanted a basket and I have a hobby. Of course, the first works will be imperfect, but practice makes perfect, and the joy of creating is priceless.

Thank you Monika for being with us and sharing a bit of your amazing world.

If you want to be part of this little project contact with me by social media or email

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